Transportation Assistance Form

Please include a written confirmation of diagnosis of MS from your physician.

This grant assists with paratransit fees, minor car repairs, and funds transportation toand from neurologist appointment, infusion centers or MS centers, allowing those with MS to seek treatment.

What type of transportation assistance are you requesting?:

Complete this section only if requesting transportation from Lyft.

What is your Lyft transportation assistance for?:
  • In order to qualify for this transportation, you must be able to transfer and get in andout of a vehicle independently, or must be accompanied by a care partner who canassist you in transferring.
  • All mobility aids must fit in a standard car trunk.
  • In order to qualify for this transportation, you must have access to a cell phone whichcan send and receive text messages.
  • This transportation is only available to and from a MS Center, neurologist’s office orinfusion center.

Can you transfer and get in and out of a vehicle independently?:
If no, will a care partner accompany you?:
Can you send and receive text messages?:
