Researchers seek participants for parenting and MS online survey

mayo 10, 2022
Researchers at the California State University, Dominguez Hills, Calif., are seeking participants for a survey aimed at gaining a better understanding of parenting among mothers with multiple sclerosis. 

To participate:
  • you must be a housed individual between the ages of 18-70, 
  • identify as female, 
  • have a diagnosis of MS, and
  • delivered and/or adopted a child within the last 40 years.

Topics covered in the survey include:
  • questions about social support,
  • questions about satisfaction with adaptive equipment, and 
  • questions about how you view your perceived parental competence. 

To participate, visit

The survey should take about 30 minutes to complete.

Data storage and protection include encryption of personal data and survey answers for eventual destruction. The researchers will be the only individuals with access to the data. Confidentiality will be maintained by removing any identifying information from the data collected.

For more information, email
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