Researchers seek participants for MS study

August 07, 2024
A new study involving a lab exercise program seeks to improve physical and brain function, and quality of life among people with multiple sclerosis.

Researchers at the Department of Physical Therapy at the University of Illinois at Chicago are conducting a the five-month study, funded by the U.S. Department of Defense, in which participants will be asked to come to the lab for testing and exercise training. They will be first asked to come to the lab for an initial screening, a pretraining assessment, and an onboarding sessions. 

During the pretraining assessment, participants will undergo a series of clinical tests to assess their function. They will also have the option to undergo additional tests to assess balance, where participants will experience slips or trips while walking and quiet standing. Participants will then start four months of exercise training in the lab. Monthly tests will be done to monitor progress. 

After training completion, participants will be asked to come to the lab two times to undergo the post-training assessments. Participants will be reimbursed for their participation.

To be eligible for the study participants must:
* Be between 55-80 years old.
* Be diagnosed with MS.
* Must be willing to come to the lab twice a week for four months during the exercise training.
* Be able to understand and communicate in English.

For more information, call 312-355-3988 or 312-355-9772.

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