
Countless books about MS are available, but sometimes you just want quick, concise answers on specific topics. If so, MS Focus booklets are the answer for you. In addition to explaining MS itself, booklets are available to give brief but thorough coverage of  topics like diet, exercise, alternative medicine, pediatric MS, and more.

Our booklets are educational tools used in doctor’s offices, schools, libraries, and human resource departments.  To request a copy, contact us by email at, call our Program Services Department at 888-MSFOCUS (673-6287), or use the Publication Request form.

Available booklets:

Multiple Sclerosis: What Everyone Needs to Know

An MS diagnosis can be confusing. It can become worse when dozens of statistics and medical jargon are added. This guide presents essential MS information in a reader-friendly format. For the recently diagnosed, this will detail everything you need to know about your diagnosis and provide important information and resources for living with MS. Available in Spanish.



The Fitness Prescription

Doctors once believed that stress on the body and the increase in body temperature associated with exercise could prove harmful to those with MS. However, numerous studies have shown the safety and efficacy of appropriately designed exercise programs for individuals with MS, including increased muscle strength, improved aerobic capacity, and positive influences on quality of life. Learn about the many fitness options available - from aquatics and hippotherapy to yoga, Pilates, T’ai Chi and adaptive sports.


Food to Fight MS

Regardless of your current health status, everyone can improve their quality of life by focusing on those things that are within your power to change, and people with MS are no different. Regardless of the unpredictable nature of MS, your diet is something that is in your control. This booklet presents the basics of healthy eating, offers tips from doctors, and talks about some popular diets shown to improve health and quality of life.


Women and MS

Dedicated to women and MS, the booklet, by Dr. Maria Houtchens and Dr. Katherine Standley, offers advice about issues the affect women, including pregnancy, medications, breastfeeding, menopause, CAM, self-image, screenings and exercise. 


MS in the Black Community

The healthcare community is becoming more aware of the bias, misconceptions, and other factors that have led to poorer outcomes for people of color. Until recently, the typical view of MS was that it mainly affected white people, particularly those of norhtewrn European descent. However, new data suggests MS affects people of color more frequently, with Black Americans having a higher incidence of MS. This booklet is meant to serve as a guide to identifying and helping bridge the gaps in our understanding and treatment of the African American community. 


When Your Child Has MS

Although relatively rare, pediatric MS presents unique challenges for children, their families, and medical professionals who might not realize the disease can occur in young people. This booklet in not only an introduction to pediatric MS, but also an overview of treatment options and suggestions about how both parents and kids can cope with the disease and its symptoms.


MS: A Guide for Families

A family's response to a diagnosis of MS can be as unpredictable as the disease itself. The myriad of feelings that arise may initially seem overwhelming. As a family, take time to allow the new reality sink in, to attain some degree of acceptance, then begin educating yourself about MS and how to cope with it. Available in Spanish.


Care for the Caregiver

How did you become a caregiver? Some caregivers gradually take on more responsibility for assisting their loved one over time as MS progresses. Others are thrust into the role by necessity in the wake of a sudden MS flare-up. In either event, caregiving has both emotional and practical implications that will require adjustment on your part. The aim of this publication is to help you achieve the necessary balance to succeed in providing the best possible care, both for your loved one and for yourself.


Let's Find Better Days

An informative booklet for both people with MS and people who simply want to know more about MS. Covering topics ranging from Self-Care to Advocacy, this booklet can help everyone find better days.


A Conversation About Multiple Sclerosis

Written by Dr. Darbi Haynes-Lawrence and beautifully illustrated by Niah Soult, this is The Foundation’s first book specifically designed to help parents and children communicate about what MS is and isn’t. This publication is currently in stock and available for order. As with all MS Focus publications, the book and shipping is completely free.


Along-came-Jae-Book-WEB_Page_01-(1).jpgAlong Came Jae: A Conversation About Service Dogs for People with MS

Written by Dr. Darbi Haynes-Lawrence and illustrated by Niah Soult, the same creative team behind A Conversation About MS, the Foundation's second children's book looks at how a service dog can improve the life of someone with MS as well as the challenges that a service dog brings. This publication is currently in stock and available for order. As with all MS Focus publications, the book and shipping is completely free.


A Conversation about Disability

Written by Dr. Darbi Haynes-Lawrence and illustrated by Niah Soult, the same creative team behind “A Conversation About MS,” the Foundation's third children's book focuses on explaining the visible and invisible disabilities of people with MS. This publication is currently in stock and available for order. As with all MS Focus publications, the book and shipping is completely free.


Pregnancy for Women with MS

Many people affected by MS are in the prime of their lives, and want to know what effect MS may have on their plans for a family. This helpful guide separates fact from fiction, and provides the information you need to know about pregnancy and MS. Available in Spanish.


Complementary and Alternative Medicine for People with Multiple Sclerosis

This comprehensive, easy-to-read booklet explores the diverse and unique therapies that fall outside the scope of conventional medical treatment. Professionally reviewed by Dr. Allen C. Bowling, Medical Director at the Rocky Mountain MS Center, this booklet offers unbiased information on alternative therapies such as acupuncture, reflexology, biofeedback, meditation, and much more. Available in Spanish.

Intimacy and Sexuality with Multiple Sclerosis

It is natural for everyone to desire affection and intimacy. Whether you are newly diagnosed or have had MS for some time, young or mature, single or in a committed relationship, chronic illnesses and disability do not diminish these needs and desires. With MS, symptoms can occur that may present obstacles in your capacity for emotional relatedness and sexual intimacy. By approaching these obstacles as challenges rather than burdens, you can empower yourself to explore the variety of possible solutions in relating intimately.


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