
The Comfort of Home (MS Edition)

Now—at last— a Guide that promises to take the fear out of home care and bring confidence and peace of mind to MS caregivers. Simple and Practical! Starts with the basics— which most books assume you already know. Easy to read. Positive and Empowering! Contains all the information you need at your fingertips— both— now and as new health care needs arise. Like a trusted friend, it will guide you every step of the way. Full of Money-Saving Ideas! Emphasizes simple ways to prevent injuries and infections that lead to expensive hospital stays. A to Z! Takes you through all the steps of home care, helping you to: • identify what is needed to provide in-home care. • Work with your partner to use the healthcare team effectively • use the healthcare team effectively • make the home accessible , safe and comfortable • understand equipment and supplies • assist your partner with activities of daily living • ensure proper nutrition and exercise for the person in your care • understand medical terms associated with MS • avoid caregiver burnout • prepare for the future concerning financial management and other difficult decisions Plus—Checklists, resources, and tips to make your job easier.