MS Focus Lending Library

There is a great deal of helpful and inspirational material about MS available today. At MS Focus, we understand that not everyone has access to the wide range of resources out there. That is why we maintain a Lending Library, where books, DVDs, and CDs are all available for loan -- at no charge to you -- through the mail. Items can be sent across the United States, so, no matter where you live, you can benefit from these materials.

You may request as many items for loan as you wish. Requested materials will be sent one item at a time.  When a returned item is received by MS Focus, the next requested item will be mailed to you, if available.  Some items may have a waiting list. To verify availability of an item, call 888-MSFocus (673-6287) or email


MS Today: Making A Difference for People Living wi

Not Available

My Mommy Has MS

Deals with a child's point of view on having a parent with MS.

Managing The Symptoms Of MS (6th Ed 2016)

In clear, understandable language with helpful illustrations, this book explores every sympton of MS and effective management for each. Inclues a g...


Cohen, Richard
In this wrenching memoir, Cohen tells how he has for the past 30 years succeeded in his determination to "cope and to hope" despite his MS.

Relaxation with Shelley Sidelman

Shelley Sidelman
part of "Yogability and You" series

Talking With Your Children about MS (DVD)

Direct Health Media
In English and Spanish: In this DVD you will meet three real families who live with their parents' MS every day. You will also find an animated...

Chinese Herbs for Health

Beinfield, Kormgold
Not Available

Stumbling In Flats

Barbara A Stensland
From running in heels to stumbling in flats - one day in 2011, Barbara woke up unable to speak properly, walk in a straight line or stay awake for ...

Positive Caregiver Attitudes

Part of the Caregiver's Survival Series - Magazine size paperback books designed for the busy caregiver. Formatted as a workbook into bitesized inf...

Peace in the Storm

Maureen Pratt
Meditations on chronic pain and illness.
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