MS Focus Lending Library

There is a great deal of helpful and inspirational material about MS available today. At MS Focus, we understand that not everyone has access to the wide range of resources out there. That is why we maintain a Lending Library, where books, DVDs, and CDs are all available for loan -- at no charge to you -- through the mail. Items can be sent across the United States, so, no matter where you live, you can benefit from these materials.

You may request as many items for loan as you wish. Requested materials will be sent one item at a time.  When a returned item is received by MS Focus, the next requested item will be mailed to you, if available.  Some items may have a waiting list. To verify availability of an item, call 888-MSFocus (673-6287) or email


Wheelchairs On The Go (Florida)

Stigleman/Van Brunt
How to find accessible fun despite your wheelchair in Florida.

Personal Perspective

Not Available

Chair Yoga for You

Adkins, Robinson, Stewart
Chair Yoga for You is a practical guide, giving you easy-to-follow instructions for over 80 poses and exercises. Included are basic yoga principles...

People With Disabilities

Channing L Bete Co
Not Available

How to Learn the Alexander Technique

A primer for students of the Alexander Technique, a well-known method for improving freedom and ease of movement and physical coordination. This bo...

Gentle Yoga for Multiple Sclerosis

Laurie Sanford
Gentle Yoga for Multiple Sclerosis shows you how to integrate yoga into your exercise routine to improve your overall health and well-being. Yoga p...

A Meditation to Help You with MS (CD)

Belleruth Naparstek
A meditation to help combat fatigue and depression; help the body reduce swelling and scarring along the myelin sheath; improve movement and balanc...

Multiple Sclerosis A New Journey

Richard C. Senelick, MD
Today, the mystery of MS is rapidly unraveling-with new disease-modifying medications. INside this easy-to-understand, cross referenced, and compas...

Weight Watchers Quick Light & Healthy

Not Available
Not Available
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