MS Focus Lending Library

There is a great deal of helpful and inspirational material about MS available today. At MS Focus, we understand that not everyone has access to the wide range of resources out there. That is why we maintain a Lending Library, where books, DVDs, and CDs are all available for loan -- at no charge to you -- through the mail. Items can be sent across the United States, so, no matter where you live, you can benefit from these materials.

You may request as many items for loan as you wish. Requested materials will be sent one item at a time.  When a returned item is received by MS Focus, the next requested item will be mailed to you, if available.  Some items may have a waiting list. To verify availability of an item, call 888-MSFocus (673-6287) or email


A Wheelchair Rider's Guide to San Francisco Bay

Bonnie Lewkowicz
Many natural areas, parks urban waterfronts and hundreds of miles of trails along the California coast and on San Francisco bay are now accessible ...

The Gluten Connection

Shari Lieberman/Linda Segall
One of the nation's top clinical nutritionists presents her 14-day program for treating and reversing gluten sensitivity, a condition that affects ...

Combat Depression

Not Available

Mom Loves Me

Stella Zaffarano
From a daughter's point of view, this tiny book tells the story of how a child deals with her mother's MS.

Chemical Deception

A renowned health policy expert, Lappe is concerned about the effects of toxic substances on living things and also the public health crises that r...

How Serious Is This?

LaRoche, Loretta
Not Available

Multiple Sclerosis the history of a disease

T. Jock Murray
Important information on Multiple Sclerosis.

Multiple Sclerosis, An Enigma 2012

Terry Crawford Palardy
A personal story tracing one woman's MS diagnosis and her refusal to give up.

Don't Ask Me How I Feel, I Have MS

Stephen Knapp
This isn't just your typical book about a person with MS. The book chronicles Mr. Knapp's illustrious life from infant to adult including his many ...

Surviving Your Spouse's Chronic Illness

A woman married for 15 years draws on her personal experience and that of the many other men and women whom she has interviewed to speak frankly ab...
Displaying results 81-90 (of 509)
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