
MS Focus Magazine is the flagship publication of Ms Focus: Multiple Sclerosis Foundation. Since 1991, this quarterly magazine has been a trusted source for education and guidance in the MS community. MS Focus Magazine provides practical information on coping techniques and quality of life issues, as well as the latest medical research and treatment options. It also features first-hand accounts from people living with MS, and advice on managing the disease from renowned MS specialists.

MS patients, relatives, caregivers, and healthcare professionals can all find something useful within the pages of MS Focus Magazine. Subscriptions are available at no cost and are mailed direct. The content of each issue is also widely accessible through this website, MSFocusMagazine.org. Additionally, the website features "exclusive, web-only" content to supplement each print issue.

The purpose of MS Focus Magazine, as with all of The Foundation's publications, is to empower those affected by MS with the information necessary to make the most complete and educated decisions concerning their healthcare. MS Focus does not advocate or endorse any specific treatment, healing modalities, or practitioners. The information presented in the publication and on this website is for informational purposes only. For specific advice, consult a healthcare professional. MS Focus believes that each person has the right to choose the treatments they feel are best, and therefore acts as a source of information, providing referrals to local resources and partnership in problem-solving. For assistance, call our national toll-free helpline at 888-MSFocus (673-6287) or email support@msfocus.org.

To learn more about MS Focus: The Multiple Sclerosis Foundation, please visit http://www.msfocus.org/about.aspx.