Symptom Management

Symptom Management

Monkey Brain-Mind Hopping and MS

Reduce distractions, take time for yourself, and eventually, the monkey will take a nap, allowing you to focus on what you need to do.
Symptom Management

Numbness and Weakness

We will examine these two common symptomatic problems and explore their various treatment options.
Symptom Management

The Many Shadows of MS Related Depression

There are many causes for depression, each reflecting different influences. Most of these causes fall into two categories: organic or situational.
Symptom Management

The Symptoms That Can Slow You Down

Have an open discussion with your healthcare team to develop a treatment plan to keep you “moving freely” throughout the course of MS.
Symptom Management

Summertime Survival Strategies

If you are aware of and plan for seasonal hazards, you can minimize or eliminate your chances of experiencing a heat-induced exacerbation.
Symptom Management

Seizures in MS

While seizures may occur as part of MS, they may also be the result of an infection, fever, or abrupt cessation of certain medications.
Symptom Management

Lhermitte's Sign

Lhermitte’s sign is the name given to a brief electric shock-like sensation that occurs when flexing or moving the neck.
Symptom Management

Urinary Tract Infections

It is important to understand what a UTI is and how to treat it.
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