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3 Spot the Snowmen Contest Winners Spring is here and the 17 sneaky snowmen hidden within the pages of our last issue have melted away We would like to congratulate our Spot the Snowmen contest winners. Winning entries had to provide both the correct number and locations of the snowmen. Three winners were selected in a random drawing of the correct entries and will receive 25 gift cards. Our winners are Abeir Alqadi of Saginaw Mich. Sherrill Derrenberger of Sarasota Fla. Mary Helen Walsh of West Carrollton Ohio Congratulations also go out to all those who submitted the other correct entries Kay Berry Eugenia Bobek Stephanie Cadigan Andrea Corriveau Terri Cramton Valerie Driscoll-Kirk Maggie Gaines Peggy Johnson Kelly Keys Vanja Lavoie Brandy Meadows Rebecca Milcarek Suzanne Monteiro Steve Rizzo Barry Turp Pamela Whiteside Donald and Linda Wigle Joanne Williams A great big thank you to all of our participants we love hearing from you because of an emergency always ask personal questions that only he or she would know and treat statements such as Donttellanyonewith skepticism. Be cognizant of the information you put on- line such as on Facebook as this information can be publicly obtained to use in scams. Note that the IRS never calls about payments needed but instead always sends letters. Everyone who attended came away with a great deal of information to make future credible business dealings and investments said Phyllis. Mr. Blankenship stated that the Better Business Bureau was in place to assist us and to always remember If it looks too good to be true it probably is Interested in learning more Review the same materials Phyllis and her group members received at and The Warner Robins MS Support Group meets on the second Tuesday of the month at 630 p.m. at Houston Medical Center New North Tower Lower Level Room 2 1601 Watson Blvd. Warner Robins GA 31093. Please contact Phyllis at 478-397-8145 or for more information.