Multiple Sclerosis Foundation Volume XVI • Issue 2 • Summer 17 6520 N. Andrews Ave., Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33309 • 888-MSFocuS (673-6287) • The purpose of EmpowerSouce is to promote collaboration between MS Focus affiliated support groups, our Ambassadors, and the MS community at large, in order to bridge gaps and to provide practical advice for individuals and groups. The MS Focus does not advocate or endorse any specific treatments, healing modalities, or practitioners. The material presented in this publication is for informational purposes only. For specific advice, consult your healthcare provider. Dear Friends, We’ve had a lot of changes here at MS Focus, in the way we look and our overall message. In keeping with these changes you are going to find more purposeful information inside this newsletter. We will be highlighting groups, ambassadors, and things going on in the MS community, as well as offering guidance on how you can do these things in your local area. I hope you find the information in this newsletter not only informative, but also inspirational. EmpowerSource reaches so many in the MS community who are looking for support. It offers ways to help and be engaged. Perhaps you will find a story that touches you or gives you the confidence to go out into the community and find something you love to do. Sincerely, Kathryn Bradbury Support Groups Coordinator Kathryn’s Leadership Tip Are you passionate about helping other people who have MS? Maybe your passion is creating awareness of MS in your community. Whether you are a support group leader, an MS Focus Ambassador, or working in your community to create awareness, chances are you have a passion for what you do that cannot be ignored by others. Find your passion in life and use it to make a difference. “People with passion can change the world for the better.” - Steve Jobs