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3 meeting structure she knew it would be the right fit. In Fall 2015 Jennys group became an affiliate of the MSF Independent Support Group Network. With regard to the new affiliation Jenny said As a result we have had new members attend the meetings and I have seen increased enthusiasm and connection among current members. She recommends that new group leaders use all the tools available to them to help get the word out about their group. In my opinion social media and national MS organizations such as the MSF are really all integral sources to use collectively in attracting new group members she said. Jennys story seems to be proof that lifes unpredictability can sometimes be a wonderful quality. A passion and career that began 12 years ago ultimately led her to a fantastic opportunity to create a local support network when she was diagnosed with MS. So why not pick up a new hobby this year You never know where it might lead. Columbus MS Friends Support Group meets the third Sunday of each month at 230 p.m. Please contact Jenny at 614-398-1225 or for meeting location information. Visit the groups website at meetup.comcolumbus-ms-friends-support. Editorsnote is free for members but charges a monthly fee for meetup organizers. Also consider other online meeting sites such as and evaluate what best suits your needs. The MSF does not endorse any given website or service. Spot the Sunshine Contest Its time to say goodbye to Winter and hello to Spring Get out your magnifying glasses and ask family members or friends to help A number of suns have found their way onto the pages of this issue and were counting on you to help us spot them. Random drawings of the correct entries will be chosen to win 25 gift cards. Please include the page number and exact location of each sun along with your full name and mailing address in your submission. Submit your entry via email to or via mail to Multiple Sclerosis Foundation EmpowerSource Support Group News 6520 N. Andrews Ave. Fort Lauderdale FL 33309. All entries must be postmarked no later than March 31. Good luck