3 MS Focus at Sea 2019 Eastern Caribbean Cruise April 13-20 Important: Important: Whenyou bookyourcruise, please inform us ifyou have special needs (disability, mobility, or special equipment). This ship is very large, and, if you have any mobility issues, we suggestyou rent a scooterorbringyourown.The agent can helpyouwith renting equipment from our preferred vendor, Special Needs at Sea. Educational programs from top medical professionals On board the Symphony of the Seas, a state-of-the-art ship Three beautiful stops: St. Kitts, St. Thomas, and The Bahamas MS Focus Magazine Articles and More! At msfocusmagazine.org, we have dozens of articles that have been featured in MS Focus Magazine throughout the years, but we also share news articles and exclusive content written by staff members, MS bloggers, and top healthcare professionals! Take a peek! “Startyour own traditions: Reach out to friends to seewhat activities folks maybe interested in: Maybe a wreath-making club? A menorah lighting ceremony? Think outside of the box on what you would find exciting and new. Would you be interested in hosting a Christmas ornament exchange at your home for neighbors?” - From “Finding Your Holiday Cheer When You’re on Your Own” by Emily Cade, M.S., CCM, CRC, CLCP “Attend free and low-cost community events. Check out places such as recreation centers, libraries, museums, places of worship, and local colleges. Special holiday events may be advertised in the local newspaper or you may find event calendars for the venues online. When you go to an event, smile and don’t be afraid to start up conversations. People will admire you for going out alone. In fact, your next best friend may be in the crowd!” - From “6 Ways to be Alone but not Lonely During the Holidays” by Gay Falkowski Read these full articles, and dozens more, for free, right now, on MSFocusMagazine.org For more information, call MS Focus at 800-225-6495 or email Cruise@msfocus.org For more information, call MS Focus at 800-225-6495 or email Cruise@msfocus.org To make a reservation, contact Elda at 306-666-1010 - MS Focus Cruise #8705413 To make a reservation, contact Elda at 306-666-1010 - MS Focus Cruise #8705413