5 Ronda has met so many facing this disease with grace and courage. Many, when first diagnosed with MS, think that all they had dreamed about or hoped for their life had come to an end. Ronda said, “You can look at MS, in a sense, as a blessing and a curse. You will face struggles and challenges with this disease, but it can also be the motivator to live your best life. The movitator to say, ‘Today I’m going to do what’s important. Today, I’m going to tell the people around me that I love them.’” Ronda has been a writer since she was a teenager and just like every writer she had a dream of publishing a book. Ronda said, “I never, ever thought that getting MS would be the path to fulfilling the biggest dream of my life.” Don’t let multiple sclerosis hold you back or keep you from fulfilling your life’s dream. During this holiday season spend the time enjoying the company of your friends and family and not worry about the little things that you did or didn’t do. Looking to join a support group this year? Interested in starting one? Do you have a group you’d like to affiliate with MS Focus? Contact us at 888-673-6287 or supportgroups@msfocus.org Kathryn, Bibi, and Shanice are all here to help you and your group! Anyone with MS can start a support group and become a leader. Healthcare professionals or care partners of someone with MS can also start or affiliate a support group with us. We believe that every person with MS should be able to find an understanding and encouraging community of peers right in his or her backyard. Airing every Sunday at Noon, 3 p.m., and 7 p.m. Join us for an extended chat with Ronda Giangreco, complete with more holiday tips! Ronda’s interview will be airing throughout the rest of the year. on Radio