Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 85 When Kathy Crudele was diagnosed with MS in 2009, she did not want anyone to know. Still, Kathy had always been an active member of her community and felt compelled to connect with others affected by MS as well. While continuing to hide her diagnosis from most of the world, she startedtoreachouttononprofitMSorganizations. Kathysaid,“Asaresult,IrealizedIwasnotaloneand it encouraged me to become public with my MS.” Sincethen,KathyhasbecomeatrueforceforMS awareness and support in her community. Kathy said, “Not a day goes by that I do not take the opportunity to spread MS awareness…this takes the form of getting professionals involved, such as leaving MS literature at their offices so they can disperseittointerestedpatients.Ialsodistributemy literature to every place that the public frequents. This allows me to meet MS patients and caregivers who are in need of support.” Kathy leaves a box of MS materials and orange bracelets in her car so that she’s always ready to distribute information wherever she goes. Kathy also attends pharmaceutical presentations to connect with other people with MS and has set up tables at local malls, churches, schools, and gyms to distribute information. Kathy said, “I follow up with people from every function that have given me their names and shown an interest in MS. I never waste an opportunity to network!” WiththehelpoftheMultipleSclerosisFounda- tion, Kathy fulfilled her goal of becoming a support group leader this past year. Kathy said, “My personality, my drive, and desire to help others have propelled me forward. It generates its own momentum. I guess you can say that is the fire in my tummy.” Strolling and Striving Toward MS Awareness – • – RI Strollers MS Support Group | Cranston, R.I.