6 When a high-ranking government official, such as a mayor, governor, or the president, makes a proclamation, they can bring awareness to the importance of a cause. These proclamations are typically tied to calendar dates and cover everything from declaring a certain day be named after a local star athlete, to marking that June 18 is Father’s Day, to proclaiming May as National Mental Health Awareness Month. Since we are less than four months away from National Multiple Sclerosis Education and Awareness Month (NMSEAM), we encourage you to reach out to your local and state governments and ask them to issue proclamations for March 2018. The process takes just a few easy steps. First, build an outline of your proclamation. This will cover what you are asking for and why it is important. Be clear and concise. Use the full name of the month – National Multiple Sclerosis Education and Awareness Month – and give reasons why NMSEAM is important to your area’s MS community, as well as the general population. Try not to get too complicated with the outline; use three or four reasons, so the proposal will be easy to read. Next, get in touch with your local or state government. Mayors and governors are typically officials who announce proclamations, although in some cities it may be the city council. The requirements for proclamations will likely differ between local and state officials, and even possibly from city to city in the same state. Mayors and their staff usually work out of city hall, but governors typically live and work in the state capital. Phone calls will be the easiest way to reach their offices, but you can also check if the city or state has an online system in place for such requests. A comprehensive list of governors’ addresses, phone numbers, and websites can be found at: www.nga.org/cms/governors/addresses. Once you have everything in place and submit your proclamation, you must wait for a response. If everything is accepted and schedules permit, there is typically a small event or an official document signing. There may be photo opportunities for you/your group and your mayor or governor. Take advantage of these opportunities. If you are able to get an elected official to proclaim March as NMSEAM, be sure to share your success with MS Focus, as well as through news outlets and social media. Good luck! “what Can I Do?” MS Focus at Sea* - Mind & Body April 7th - 15th 2018 Join us on an adventure through the Southern Caribbean for eight nights aboard the Celebrity Equinox. Top MS experts will host exclusive, hands-on, fun-filled programs. plus, stops on the beautiful islands of Aruba, Curacao, and Bonaire! For more information, contact MS Focus at: 800-225-6495 or cruise@msfocus.org To book a cabin, contact Gabriela Aragon at: 888-408-4129 *Previously The MS Focus Cruise For A Cause  Friends Dr. Ben Beaches