7 Life with MS in 17 Syllables 3rd Annual MS Focus haiku Contest Our most popular contest is back! A haiku is a 17 syllable poem that consists of three lines. Each line must have a certain number of syllables: Line One: 5 Syllables - Line Two: 7 Syllables - Line 3: 5 Syllables Here is an example: The-sun-shines-bright-ly (5) The-rays-dance-up-on-my-skin (7) And-warmth-sur-rounds-me (5) Share a haiku with us, and you might win! We have four submission categories, each relating to living with MS. positive Thinking and humor: How do you put a positive, or humorous, spin on living with the challenges of MS? Self-Image: What do you see when you look at, and think about, yourself? MS-Free Zone: What does it feel like when you’re in your personal MS-free space? hopes, Dreams, and Goals: What do you wish for your future? What do you want to accomplish? Official Rules All submissions are due by Jan 15th , 2018. Entry must be a haiku. Use capitalization and puncuation as you wish. Entries do not have to rhyme. You may submit multiple entries. *Include submission category with every entry* The top entries from each category will be featured on social media. One winner from the top submissions in each category will win a $25 gift card. Get creative and have fun! Submissions should be emailed to supportgroups@msfocus.org or can be mailed to: Multiple Sclerosis Foundation Attn: EmpowerSource Haiku Contest 6520 N. Andrews Ave. Fort Lauderdale, FL 33309