Multiple Sclerosis Foundation The purpose of EmpowerSouce is to promote collaboration between MS Focus affiliated support groups, our Ambassadors, and the MS community at large, in order to bridge gaps and to provide practical advice for individuals and groups. MS Focus does not advocate or endorse any specific treatments, healing modalities, or practitioners. The material presented in this publication is for informational purposes only. For specific advice, consult your healthcare provider. Dear Friends, The year is winding down and, as usual, we take this time to reflect on the things that have happened. As I reflect on this past year, I can’t ignore the joy and happiness that working with all of you has brought me. I think I can also speak for Holly and Bibi when I say that we are happy to be a part of helping the MS community through our Support Groups Program. We would like to wish all of you a very happy holiday sea- son and hope that the upcoming year is filled with love, joy, happiness and health for you and your families. Sincerely, Kathryn, Bibi, and Holly MS Focus Support Groups Department Kathryn’s Leadership Tip We are constantly moving forward, changing, and growing. We learn from our mistakes, grow stronger in the face of adversity and focus on finding the rainbow on a rainy day. As you move into the next year, it’s important to remember why you started your support group, chose to volunteer to be an MS Focus Ambassador, or chose to advocate for people with MS in your community. This is a great time to reflect on what you have to offer and rejuvenate your soul, in order to continue the work you do. The MS community needs people like you and we appreciate your efforts and thank you for your commitment to helping others. EmpowerSource is a free newsletter. To subscribe, visit, call 888-MSFOCUS (673-6287) or email L to R, Holly, Kathryn, Bibi