3 2019 Haiku Contest Winners Looking to join a support group this year? Interested in starting one? Do you have a group you’d like to affiliate with MS Focus? Contact us at 888-673-6287 or email supportgroups@msfocus.org Kathryn, Shanice, and Ashton are here to help you and your group! Anyone with MS can start a support group and become a leader. Healthcare professionals or care partners of someone with MS can also start or affiliate a support group with us. We believe that every person with MS should be able to find an understanding and encouraging community of peers right in his or her backyard. Self-Image You say I “look fine” You can’t see inside my mind This frayed ball of twine Submitted by: Linda Swope MS-Free Zone When I am drawing The world around me dissolves Pain can’t find me here. Submitted by: John Crawford Positive Thinking Sun in my forecast With intermittent showers Blue skies up above Submitted by: Mary Lamont Hopes, Dreams, and Goals Speak no evil words, Avoid disparaging thoughts, Dream your biggest dreams! Submitted by: Pamela Curtis Humor Too hot to handle, Too cold to hold, leave me be! Bye-bye libido! Submitted by: Angela R. Garcia Thank you to everyone who participated in this contest. We received dozens of excellent entries this year, making the selectio process incredibly difficult. Keep writing! Here are our winning submissions!