6 Summer Meeting Tips During this time of year, it can be difficult to head out into the overwhelming heat of summer weather. Many are traveling and spending time with family because the kids are out of school. This can make getting together for a support group meeting difficult. Here are some tips to staying connected during the summer months: Special events are a good way to get everyone together over the summer. You don’t have to meet every month, but getting together for a special event could be just what you need to get the support you might miss out on. Have an ice cream social. What better time of year to share delicious treats with your friends? Or have a game night. Ask your group to bring their favorite board or card game and their favorite snack to share. Go bowling or out to the movies. Both of these can be done in the evening hours when the sun goes down and it’s a tad cooler to venture out of the house. MS Focus offers support groups special event funding for groups who would like to do some- thing fun during the year. Please contact the support groups department for more information and find out if you are eligible to receive these funds. Consider changing the time of day and length of your meeting. Talk to the group to see if they would prefer to continue meeting but adjust the schedule to accommodate the weather. You could meet early or later in the day and maybe just for an hour. You could even just meet for a meal in a restaurant. Sometimes it helps to keep things simple. These tips can be applied whether you attend a support group or not. You can do these things in order to stay connected with friends and family during the summer as well. Save the Date May 29, 2020 To book, contact Elda at: 305-666-1010 Be sure to use Group Number 7027854 For more information go to: Cruise@msfocus.org