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Kathy Lynn McCanes energyandenthusiasmare contagious and clearly evident from herapproach tobeingtheShow-MeState MSSupport Group leader. Kathys first experience with attending a support group was not a positive one. She was diagnosed in July1999afteraseven-year struggle with undiagnosed symptoms. She went to a support group meeting walked out crying and told herself that she would never attend a support group meeting again. HoweverwhenshemovedtoJoplinfromTexas she couldnt find any meetings or events related to MS. Most people she met did not seem to know much about the disease and she realized that a support group would be a beneficial way to raise awareness within both the MS and general communities.ShereachedouttotheMSFandworked withthelateHelenMangantostartasupportgroup as part of the MSF Independent Support Group Network. I chose to become a group leader and makeitmyownIdecidedmymeetingsweregoing to be uplifting and informative Kathy exclaimed. Things certainly didnt happen overnight. In June 2012 Kathy held her first group meeting. Kathy said Only two people showed which was a huge disappointment. However I did not let this deter my thinking and desire to open the eyes of Joplin up to MS. My goal was to reach out to those who shared the same mysterious disease as me. It did however take a while to get it going. Kathy continued to plan meetings spread the word about the group and raise awareness about MS. Sure enough meeting attendance grew and Kathy was able to fulfill her dream of creating imaginative and fun-filled support group meetings and gatherings featuring themes parties field trips and activities. HeresalookatsomeofthemeetingsKathyhas planned for her group over the past few years Numerous Fourth of July celebrations featuring a potluck meal and themes that inspire the dress code. These events usually take place near a pool so that members and their families can keep cool. Themed celebrations during the past couple years included Surf-n-TurfBeachfeaturingalivebandgames forkidsandadultsfoodandafireworksdisplay. Carnivalfeaturingcarnivalgamesfunnelcakes glow in the dark necklaces and a clown. Haunted Halloween event featuring games live entertainment a pumpkin patch bonfire hot dog and marshmallow roast and a mystery flavor drinks taste test contest. A drive-thru haunted hayride which was accessible by car for everyone including people with disabilities provided a fitting end to the evening. Friendsgiving Potluck Dinner featuring a raffle drawing potluck meal poetry live band and socializing. December holiday gathering featuring gift exchange games such as Secret Santa and White Elephant dollar store stocking stuffers raffle drawings contests and holiday songs such as Kathys favorite The 12 Days of MS sung to the tune of the well-known Christmas song. This year the groups plans to have an Ugly Sweater Contest as part of the festivities. Throwdown MS Hoedown which transformed a local church gym into a barnyard with bales of Themes and Parties and Fun Oh my Show-Me State MS Support Group Joplin Mo. 2