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4 Sue West Bronx MS Support Group leader saw engaging in creative activities as a constructive and stimulating way of coping with MS and began to organize them as part of hersupportgroupmeetings. She wanted to give her members an opportunity to absorb themselves in a positive and productive activity that has various added benefits. I also believe that the more one engages in activities that stimulate the mind the better it is for preventing cognitive decline she explains. With the help of the MSF Sue and her group have done journaling art therapy music therapy knitting crafts and a book club. Many of the activitiesservedasajumpingoffpointasmembers found an interest that they wanted to nurture in their personal time outside of the group. Members used journaling as a way to help them organize and process their thoughts and daily activities. Knitting and crocheting also sparked an ongoing interest for some members who would come in to group meetings with pictures of the blankets they had made at home. The groups experience with art therapy was particularly memorable for Sue. She explains Art therapy consisted of me buying individual portable canvas and paint sets. We also have a member who is a retired nursery school teacher and she made homemade play dough. Art therapy was hystericalwe laughed and laughed. Sue has found that it works better if she allows aninterestinhavingacreativemeetingtohappen organicallyinsteadofschedulingthemconsistently throughout the year. She then reminds members in advance if a creative meeting is coming up so that they can know what to expect and decide if they want to attend. Sue has also created her own tradition of using music to celebrate special times for the group. WhenthegroupmarksamilestoneIusuallymake a CD with songs and a document explaining why I chose each song and the connection I believe it has to our group and to the fight we encounter with MS. For instance the sixties song He Aint Heavy Hes my Brother is now our groups theme song. The members love the CDs and usually ask for more for their grown kids. Music is not the only creative tradition that is blended into Bronx MS Support Group meetings throughout the year. Sue explains Usually I open every meeting with a passage from a book I bought 30 years ago called One More Day Daily Meditations for People With Chronic Illness by Sefra Kobrin PitzeleShe has MS and there are 365 small positive vignettes about living with chronic illness. Sue notes that the book is out of print but you may be able to buy it used online fromAmazonorBarnesandNoble.Suecontinues I am always looking for something to inspire us to continue living positively and continue fighting Richard Cohen is a great journalist for people with MS. His essays are candid frank and funny. Being a support group leader has also proven to be a rewarding and creative activity itself as she says that the people she meets through the group always inspire her. Creative activities help enhance whatSueseesasthetruepurposeofasupportgroup. For me the purpose of a MS support group is firstandforemostsupport.Ourgroupisamixture of support fun laughter and friendship. Many of the members have become best friends outside the group which is wonderfulI always tell my group there is no criticism here no embarrassmentandnohidingcognitivedifficulties. Creativity Coping and MS Bronx MS Support Group Bronx N.Y.