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3 hay straw and Country-Western decorations throughout. An MS awareness table with an orange awareness ribbon tablecloth provided information and educational materials. Local Countrymusicartistsprovidedliveentertainment and there was also a petting zoo and games for kids. A nonalcoholic MS Saloon provided root beer floats and trail mix baggies. Dessert was plentiful including cupcakes chocolate covered pretzelsandwhitechocolatewithorangecovered marshmallows. Kathy notes that none of this would be possible withoutheramazinggroupmembers.Sheregularly relies on group members to help provide food and create decorations local businesses for donations local youth groups and volunteers to help at some of the groups larger events and members spouses to help set up before and clean up after meetings. Kathy also says that she couldnt do any of it without her other half Mark my husband is my biggest supporter and a helping hand and friend to all in need. Without him I could not do it as he helps with set-up carrying all items for me and just listening to my ongoing ideas for upcoming MS events. Kathy says that the group is like a family now and while there are serious moments she encourages fun and positivity by focusing on what everyone is able to do. Everyone enjoys the opportunity to attend these creative and fun-filled events where they can laugh be joyful and share experiences together. Being together is at the heart of it all as Kathy says when youre in a support group youre never alone. The Show-Me State MS Support Group meets at various locations in Joplin MO each month. Please contact Kathy at 214-738-6855 for more information. In Memorial Charmaine Loftis-Cothran Jan. 13 1961 Sept. 19 2015 Charmaine Loftis-Cothran led the African Americans Living with MS support group which has been affiliated with the MSF since 2001 served as an MSF Ambassador and was instrumental in helping to implement the MSFs African- Americans with MS educational program series in her region. Since her diagnosis of MS in 1998 Charmaine worked to educate raise awareness and offer support to those affected by MS in the Chicago area. For more information about Charmaine please see page 39 of the Fall 2015 issue of MSFocus magazine.