b"Empowersource-Winter/Spring23.qxp_Layout 13/29/235:29 PMPage 3The Hudson County MS Support Group from Jersey City, N.J., affiliated with MS Focus in December 2018. Leaders Jason Dabney and Stephanie Miller said their mission is to work hand-in-hand with MS Focus to provide support to persons with MS in the Hudson County area. We like to meet and be able to share information concerning medications and treatments that each person may be involved with. We wouldlike to promote understanding for those diagnosed with the disease. We know from personal experience that there are a lot of emotions involved with this disease.The group currently meets the fourth Saturday of each month in Bayonne, N.J. If you would like to join this group or need more information, call 201-566-0204 or email jasondabney76@gmail.com. The S'myelin Faces MS Support Group of Souderton, Penn., affiliated with MS Focus in August 2014. Leaders Denise Franklin and Patti Dille said they seek to inspire hope and empower individuals and families affected by MS by providing information and shared life experiences. The group meets year-round, and they try to have six meetings per year that are topic-focused with a speaker, with the other six meetings Denise Franklin being open conversations. They also have a holiday party andPatti Dillea summer picnic. The group meets both in person and by Zoom the second Wednesday of each month at Generations of Indian Valley in Souderton, Penn. If you would like to join this group or need more information, call 215-290-5790 or 215-723-8017 or email soudertongroup.ms@gmail.com. The But You Look So Good MS SupportGroupfrom Arlington, Texas, affiliated with MS Focus in November, 2008. Leader Teresa Wynne said their goal is to help meet the needs faced by individuals with MS. She said they welcome anyone who is touched in any way by the disease. According to their mission statement: We strive to be a FRIEND - Share successes and struggles, providing emotional, and spiritual support. Be an EDUCATOR - Empower each other through our meetings and helping the community understand MS. Be an ADVOCATOR - Provide a voice needed to accomplish positive government changes.Currently the group does a combination of monthly in-person and Zoom meetings. If you would like to join this group or need more information, call 817-360-5043 or email towynne@sbcglobal.net. 3"