b'Empowersource-Winter/Spring23.qxp_Layout 13/29/235:29 PMPage 5TELECONFERENCESTELECONFERENCES Did you know that MS Focus has been providing free, live teleconferences every week since April 2020? Our educational programs coordinator, Debra Forman, has worked diligently to have MS doctors, therapists, motivational speakers, and others provide valuable information. View the upcoming teleconferences on our website: msfocus.org/events. If you missed any oftheseteleconferences,theyareavailableonour YouTubechannel:youtube.com/ MultipleSclerosisFoundation. VViirrttuuaallWWeellllnneessssPPrrooggrraammss MS Focus is sponsoring virtual wellness programs for people with MS three days a week. All classes are led by qualified instructors and are available online. These classes are designed to assist in symptom management and pain relief, as well as to help improve physical and emotional health. Classes include: To learn more about these programs or register for classes, visit our website: msfocus.org/events and search for health and wellness. GA GeettBBaacckkttootthheeAccttiivviittiieessYYoouuLLoovvee!!AAppppllyyttoooouurrCCoooolliinnggPPrrooggrraammApplications are availablethrough June 1st.5'