b"Empowersource-Winter/Spring23.qxp_Layout 13/29/235:29 PMPage 4The MS Nighttime Support Group from Hempstead, Md., affiliated with MS Focus in June, 2018. Leader Tammy Gilbert said their group is a safe and comfortable place to share with others who have MS. Information is provided, and they have open discussions on how to manage their MS. Tammy and her group meet both in-person and via Zoom on the third Thursday of each monthwith the help of her son Raymond, and Nadine, Tammy and Raymondmanager of the library where meetings are held. Gilbert Speakers from the local community are invited to share information on topics of interest such as acupuncture, nutrition, and energy management. Other topics for discussion are explored through MS websites. They occasionally have celebrations with food donated by Fratellis Restaurant in Hempstead. The meeting atmosphere is positive, cheerful, and considerate. Tammy said they listen to each other and help to nd needed resources.If you would like to join this group or if you need more information, call 410-374-3723 or email jazydawg@msn.com.National MS Education and Awareness Month Launched in 2003, National MS Education and Awareness Month is observed in March of each year, a nationwide effort by MS Focus: the Multiple Sclerosis Foundation and affiliated groups to raise the public's awareness of multiple MStioToMS Education sclerosis. The vital goals of this campaign are to promoteNaMSinnaland in To days Worlddays Worldan understanding of the scope of this disease, and to assist Awareness Month 2022National MS Education those with MS in making educated decisions about theirand Awareness Monthhealthcare.Everyone, not just those affected by MS, is invited to participateina wide varietyofactivitiesthathappen across the country. Throughout the month, these activities will get people involved in raising awareness and will help to broaden their personal understanding of MS. Awareness kits are available from MS Focus for those who wish to become involved in the effort. Other MS organizations are encouraged to participate as well.If you receive the MS Focus magazine you will automatically receive the 2023 booklet MS in Todays World. You can also nd it on our website, request a copy by email or if you prefer a physical copy, visit: msfocus.org/Get-Involved/MS-Awareness-Month/NMSEAM-Awareness-Kits.4"