b'Empowersource-Winter/Spring23.qxp_Layout 13/29/235:29 PMPage 6THANK YOU TO THE GREATER PURPOSE PROJECT We would like to thank the Greater Purpose Project for their generous donation to MS Focus as a result of their annual #GPP Patrick Taylor Superhero Run. The superhero-themed wheel, walk, run commemorates the life of former Tucson reghter, Patrick Taylor. Patrick is remembered as a reghter, father, husband, and MS Warrior. Pats ability to transform pain into a greater purpose inspired The Greater Purpose Project. According to Lauren Burgoyne Hollick, founder and CEO, Patrick found great comfort and encouragement through his support group. She was grateful to have attended meetings with him and is thankful for the friends she made in this group. She is continuously inspired by the superheroes in this group and feels that Patricks ghting spirit lives on in these MS Warriors.Interested in doing something similar to this event? Whether youre an individual or a member of an MS support group, we can help you make it happen. Order materials from MS Focus. We can provide you with a wealth of informational materials, brochures, wristbands, magnets, and more to help make your event a success.Contact Debra Forman, Educational Programs Coordinator 888-673-6287, Ext. 148 or debra@msfocus.org PPlleeaasseewweellccoommeetthheesseenneewwllyyaaffiffilliiaatteeddssuuppppoorrttggrroouuppss::Denver Mens Support GroupCherry Hills Village, Colo. Leader: David Pueger Sterling Heights / Warren MSSupport GroupSterling Heights, Mich. Leader: Dawn Golda We Are More Support GroupMeetings Via Zoom. Leader: Marcus Hall, Sr. Visit our website at msfocus.org or email us at supportgroups@msfocus.org to nd the support group nearest to you. 6'