b'Empowersource-Winter/Spring23.qxp_Layout 13/29/235:29 PMPage 1Multiple Sclerosis FoundationEmpowerSource is a free newsletter. To subscribe, visit www.msfocus.org/publications, call 888-MSFOCUS (673-6287), or email supportgroups@msfocus.orgThe purpose of EmpowerSource is to promote collaboration between MS Focus, our MS advocates, affiliated support groups, and the MS community at large, in order to bridge the gaps and to provide practical advice for individuals and groups. Dear Friends, By the time you receive this edition, it will be spring, or at least the calendar will say it is true. For those in the states that have experienced a brutal winter with large amounts of snow and very low temperatures, I am sure you cannot wait for this to happen. According to a blog on Insight Psychological, you are actually happier in the springtime. Exposure to sunlight increases the hormone serotonin in your brain, which makes you feel happy. It also says you feel energized because exposure to sunlight decreases the chemical melatonin in your body during the day and increases it at night, which helps you sleep better.Spring brings all sorts of changes no matter where you live. With warmer temperatures, and longer days because of daylight saving, people tend to get outdoors more and do more active things. Low levels of vitamin D have been linked to a greater risk of MS. When your skin is exposed to sunlight, it manufactures vitamin D, which also helps to keep your bones strong.Spring is a time to take walks (or rolls, for you wheelschair users), plant a garden, and maybe even ride a bike. It can also be a time to plan your summer vacation. Have you thought about where you would like to travel? You may want to go to another country this year. Now that restrictions for COVID-19 have been lifted for the most part, it might be time for you to take a trip. How about picking one of these countries from our word search in our contest in this edition? According to an MS Focus post on Facebook People with MS can go anywhere in the worldit just takes some exibility and a bit more planning. After reading entries and speaking to several clients about our last contest, I was advised that word scrambles are not anyones favorite, so we are bringing back the word search. While the country I am traveling to this summer is not on this word search, I hope you will nd a country to visit and enjoySincerely, this contest. Thank you for reading our newsletter.Marcia Marty Harris Support Groups Program CoordinatorMS Focus does not advocate or endorse any specific treatments, healing modalities, or practitioners. The material presented in this publication is for informational purposes only. For specific advice, consult your healthcare provider.'