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4 11 p.m. so attendees could enjoy food and company and there was even a Gee I Cant Sleep Chat for all the night owls still awake when the room closed. The conference picked up again on Sunday morning and ended that afternoon so everyone could start their travels home before the weekend was over. Looking back at the conference Suzanne said We had over 140 people from three states and the District of Columbia in attendance speakers from all across the U.S. and the local CBS station followed and promoted the event all weekend. When asked how she would best sum up the event she said It was about MS family helping each other empowerment through education socializing and feeling normal. Based on the wonderful success of this years endeavor Suzanne and Juanita look forward to organizingtheirsecondMSWellnessConference next year but share that the most important things on their minds right now are in Suzannes words a great support group a great support system in this area and nothing else really matters. The Roanoke Valley MS Support Group meets on the fourth Thursday of the month from 630 p.m. 8 p.m. at RVAR Roanoke Valley Associ- ation of Realtors 4358 Starkey Road Roanoke VA 24018. Please contact Suzanne at 540-404- 1167 or or Juanita at 540-366-9403 for more information. In our last issue we asked you to tell us about what life with MS is like for you in the form of a haiku. Haiku is a form of poetry that consists of a verse of 17 syllables split up into three lines of five seven and five syllables. Haiku needed to fall into one of the following categories related to living with MS positive thinking and humor MS-free zone or catharsis. We at the MSF were so moved and inspired by all of your entries. Your collective talent truly amazed us and left us wishing that we had space to print all of your poems. Many of you submit- ted multiple haiku capturing a full and varied spectrum of emotion. We laughed got teary-eyed pondered grinned and deliberated while reading each and every one of your creations. Congratulations to our many winners whose haiku are printed on the next page. A special congratulations to Diane Randall of Sarasota Fla. whose name was chosen in a ran- dom drawing of our winning entries to receive a 25 gift card. A heartfelt thank you goes out to all of our participants for sharing your inner lives and creativity with us. We loved reading your wonderful haiku