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5 Fall flat in the grass Cant get up alone Relax Pull out all the weeds Montye Conlan Ormond Beach Fla. Since MS has come Living is slower for me I see more that way Marie Holtje East Greenville Pa. Drumbeat different. Two MSers romancing Who would think it could Lann Wagenhauser Huston TX Faith being tested. What if the trials of MS are disguised blessings Sandra Phillips Manheim Pa. Falling and swerving MS intoxication With no alcohol Cheryl Dean Harrisonburg Va. Move feet left right. Good Child learning to walk No just me and my MS. Irene Bean Carmichael Calif. My hand is shaking as he wrote my number down. Its fine so does mine Diane Randall Sarasota Fla. Mermaid tea party Giggly smiles squeals of delight Moms abiding joy. Cynthia Azor Tampa Fla. Orioles migrate Pause to sample oranges Splash joyful color Suzanne Bratcher Hot Springs Village Ark. So many plans dreams Bursting to come together When my legs wake up Valerie Davis Benton Leesburg Ga. Wind blown the nectar still is sweet to butterfly same as hummingbird Montye Conlan Ormond Beach Fla. Mom play ball with me I wish I had energy Ill watch you today Carrie Haeck Maumee OH Slow my new normal Cant jog sprint dash leap or dance Slow slower slowest Suzanne Bratcher Hot Springs Village Ark. Monday and Wednesday Friday but not on weekends Life modifying Dale Moody Lady Lake Fla. Positive Thinking Humor MS-Free Zone Catharsis MS stole the dance. Its beauty and elegance still move in my soul. Eve Havens Fairhope Ala.