b'Multiple Sclerosis FoundationEmpowerSource is a free newsletter. To subscribe, visit www.msfocus.org/publications,call 888-MSFOCUS (673-6287), or email supportgroups@msfocus.orgThe purpose of EmpowerSource is to promote collaboration between MS Focus, our MS advocates,affiliated support groups, and the MS community at large, in order to bridge gaps and to providepractical advice for individuals and groups. Dear Friends,I read that autumn and fall are used interchangeably as words for the season betweensummer and winter Autumn conjures visions of golden foliage, crisp weather, and spicedapple cider. In fall, the growing cycle gives us ripeness and maturity. The harvest is associatedwith abundance, prosperity, and wealth. The article I read said humans also experience anautumn. If spring represents new birth and childhood, and summer symbolizes youth,autumn represents adulthood and maturity. What does fall mean to you? To me it means decorating my house with scarecrows, pumpkins,corn cobs, orange candles and lights, and silk owers. Even though the temperatures here inFlorida are still in the 90s in September, we are hoping it just might drop to the 80s byOctober. It might still look like summer outside, but my house looks like fall.If you are a farmer, fall is a celebration of the harvest. Farmers are busy baling hay andstraw and storing them for the winter. Corn and other grains go in the silo. There are farmstands all over the country that sell fresh fruit and vegetables. When I used to live in westernNew York, fall meant the leaves turning red and gold, the temperature dropping into the 50sor lower and the sweaters coming out of the closets. I used to can or freeze all my own fruitsand vegetables and fall was the time for that.Of course, fall is also the start of football season. For those of us who love to watch it, wecount down the days until kick o of the rst game. The jerseys come out and we start braggingabout our teams. Someone just told me that here in Florida the leaves dont change colors,but the license plates on cars do. Thats when the snowbirds start arriving from the northernstates and Canada. Whatever fall means to you, I hope it brings warmth to your heart and alittle joy to your soul.Sincerely,Marcia Marty HarrisSupport Groups Program CoordinatorMS Focus does not advocate or endorse any specific treatments, healing modalities, or practitioners. The materialpresented in this publication is for informational purposes only. For specific advice, consult your healthcare provider.'