b'SSuuppppoorrttGGrroouuppLLeeaaddeerrssi ntthheeSSppoottlliigghhttin Dawnia Baynes and Harvella Printup are the leaders of bothMS Youngsters, a support group typically for high school to collegeage youth and Youthful Peers Group (YPG), a support grouptypically for ages 20 to 40, although older ages are not turnedaway. While the groups are based in Downey, Calif., the meetingsare being held on Zoom and are open to anyone from any state.Both groups were aliated with MS Focus in 2019. Dawnia saysthe need for these groups is based on what she discoveredwhen she was diagnosed at age 26, about 16 years ago. Youngerpeople have different symptoms, different needs, and want to associate with people whounderstand what they are going through. Cary Area MS Support Group, from Cary N.C.,aliated with MS Focus in 2017. The responsibilitiesof running the group are shared by Ed Blair, MichaelMonfort, and Angela Kaups. While their rst in-persongathering since the pandemic was held as a picnicin a park in July, the group has been having regularmeetings via Zoom. They try to keep their membersactive and interested by having speakers, chair yoga, physical therapists, games, and more.Our support group team was honored to speak at one of their meetings to go over all the grantsand programs available at MS Focus: the Multiple Sclerosis Foundation. The MS Circle of Hope Support Group of Stevens Pointfrom Stevens Point, Wis., aliated with MS Focus in 2004.The group is currently led by Lori Rousseau and SusanKaercher. From July 2020 to April 2021 the group met byway of phone teleconference. Their rst in-person meetingwas held in a church parking lot in May where participantssat with the trunks of their cars open and had a picnic.Lori advised us she sometimes uses the information weprovide in our biweekly e-newsletters to discuss at their meetings. Thisgroup continues to meet and provide information and support to those inthe area with MS.4'