b'S ContestSuummmmeerrFFuunnCan You Unscramble Thank you to everyone who participated in the Unscramble contest. We hope you unscrambledall the words correctly. As always, we got dozens of wonderful entries. Thank you to everyonewho participated and congrats to our winners: F $20 Amazon Gift CardFiirrssttPPllaacceePeggy Arnette,Summerville, S.C. S $15 Amazon Gift CardSeeccoonnddPPllaacceeCarla Zottola,Phenix City, Ala. T $10 Amazon Gift CardThhiirrddPPllaacceeMaria (Mimi) Kross,Tucson, Ariz.Contest Answersimgisnwm = __sw__im__m_in_g__ _____subrunn =___s_u_n_b_u_rn_______ icnpci = _____p_ic_n_i_c_ ______ kiibni = ___ __b_i_k_in_i________ehacb = _____b_e_a_ch__ ______ apnigmc =___ca_m__p_in_g_______cuesnsnre = _s_u_n_s_c_re_e_n__ _____ sabbelal = ___b_a_s_e_b_a_ll______lanrtmeweo = w_a_t_e_r_m_e_lo_n__ ____aotnibg = ___b_o_a_t_in_g_______liopspec = ___p_o_p_s_ic_le__ ______ imidhytu = __ _h_u_m_i_d_it_y______itke = _______k_ite__ ______ runsgfi = __ __s_u_rf_in_g_______ulaesgssns = s_u_n_g_l_a_s_s_e_s_ ____aivconta = _ __v_a_ca_t_io_n_______TTEELLEECCOONNFFEERREENNCCEESSDid you know that MS Focus has been providing free, live teleconferences every weeksince April 2020? Our educational programs coordinator, Debra Forman has workeddiligently to have MS doctors, therapists, motivational speakers, and others provide valuableinformation. Please view the upcoming teleconferences on our website: msfocus.org./events.If you missed any of these teleconferences, they are available on our YouTube channel:youtube.com/MultipleSclerosisFoundation.7'