b'Thank You, Rita and Morris The story of Rita and Morris Schallenberger is a love story. A mutual friend had triedseveral times to get the two of them together and nally succeeded by inviting them to anAmway meeting in Omaha in 1980. Morris had returned from years overseas. He was anarmy pilot in the Vietnam war and also spent many years in Europe. During his 21 yearsin the military he had moved a total of 17 times and was looking to settle down in a placelike Omaha with a girl like Rita. It was June when Morris and Rita rst dated and by December they were married. Bothhad previously been married and Rita had twin daughters, age 13, who Morris joined andtook on as his own. They have lived in the same home since 1983, although now their homeis in sunny Tampa. They have three grandchildren as well and love watching them grow up. Rita was diagnosed with MS in her mid 50s. She joined an MS support group through theNational MS Society in 1997 and became the facilitator in 2000. In 2014 she aliated hergroup with MS Focus. During the pandemic Morris and Rita would have Zoom meetingsinstead of in-person meetings. However, beccause ofmedical conditions including two otherautoimmune diseases, primary immune deciency and breast cancer, the strain of keepingthe group going became too much for her.Despite repeated requests to other members to take over, there was no one to help andLake Magdalene MS Support Group closed May, 2021. Just as it seemed all was lost, Morrisand Rita tried one more time in August to find a replacement and this time they weresuccessful. The group was reopened Sept. 1 under a new facilitator. We know they will be thereto help if asked, even though I tell them to sit back and let someone else take the lead. At this time of their lives Morris and Rita still keep very busy. Rita is a Eucharistic Ministerat Saint Marys Catholic Church in Tampa where Morris is an usher. She also servescommunion at an assisted living facility in Tampa. Morris just passed his 90-gallon blooddonation and hopes to make it to 100 gallons. They love to travel and plan to go to Germanyin June 2022. They also attend Morriss yearly Class of 1967 Flight School Reunions, whichare held in dierent cities all over the United States and have been ongoing for 23 years. Theyboth have a passion for Tampa Bay Lightening hockey and the Florida Orchestra, having heldseason tickets for years. Thank you both for all you have done for MS Focus. We wish you well in your future.3'