b'Building Bridges MS Support Group is from South Plaineld, N.J., andaliated with MS Focus in 2005. The leader of the group is Tennille Flowers.Part of their mission statement mentions the fact that their meetings areinformal and a great way to meet new people who face living with MS on adaily basis. Our team spoke at their most recent Zoom meeting where wewent over all the grants and programs that are available through MS Focus. The Valley MS Support Group is led by Pamela Secristand Verne Hicks. The group aliated with MS Focus in2006. During the pandemic, the group was keeping intouch by Facebook, email, and telephone. While originallyfrom Sayre, Pa., they are now holding meetings in Waverly,N.Y. because of Covid restrictions. They resumed in-personmeetings in June and have been meeting since. Their Aug. 26meeting even had one new attendee. The group caught upon the health and lives of members they hadnt seen in 18months, changes in healthcare in their area hospital, and dealing with the ups and down ofliving with MS. RobertBrownistheleaderoftheTuscolaMSSupportGroup fromMayville, Mich. Robert aliated his group with MS Focus in May 2020, atthe height of the pandemic. It is awesome to have a male support groupleader and we commend Robert for taking on this task. Our support groupsta attended his meeting in September. While he and his members met inperson, we were there via Zoom and were able to go over all the grants andprograms available through MS Focus: the Multiple Sclerosis Foundation.The Arroyo Grande MS Sharing and Caring Support Group from ArroyoGrande, Calif. was aliated with MS Focus in 2017. In April 2020, Carl Derisoand Sara Kirwan became the new leaders of the group. This was a diculttask because it was the beginning of the pandemic and meetings were dicult,if not impossible. Monthly Zoom meetings were held and are still being heldto date.Plleeaasseewweellccoommeetthheesseenneewwllyyaalliiaatteeddssuuppppoorrttggrroouuppss::PG.E.M.S.(Group Exercise for Multiple Sclerosis)Livonia, Mich.Leader:Lori PernaFernandina Beach MS Support Group. Fernandina Beach, Fla.Leader: Jim MontgomeryWomens MS Support Group at the Atlanta Neuroscience InstituteAtlantaLeader: Lisa LebovitzPlease visit our website at www.msfocus.org or email us at supportgroups@msfocus.org to nd the support group nearest to you.5'