b'Companion Animals and MS Theres nothing like coming home and having our favorite furry friend meet us at thedoor, with a wagging tail or a tender purring. Its a great feeling knowing the unconditionallove that is being extended to us by our pets, who never fail to be there regardless of oursituation. Its not even fair to call them pets, because once they cross the threshold of ourhome, they become a member of our family, our loved one, no dierent from the humanswe love. In certain situations, these four-legged family members become more than that.They also become sources of comfort, support, security, and stability. Therapy dogs are verygood at this. For people living with MS, animal companions play a crucial rolenot onlypsychologically, but also physically.Pets are sensitive to their owners needs and establish a unique communication withthem. Animals are such sensitive creatures, its as though they have a sixth sense when itcomes to their humans and they provide a great deal of support for someone with specicneeds. For emotional support, a variety of animals may be chosen aside from dogs, such as acat, a bird, or sometimes an unconventional animalsuch as a pot belly pig or a rabbit.Dogs predominate as animals that provide physical support and receive extensive trainingin this area. Regardless of whether it has been trained to be a service animal or whether itjoined a family as a pet, its amazing to what extent these beautiful creatures may be lifesaversto their humans! It is very benecial for individuals with chronic illness, such as multiple sclerosis, to havea pet or a service animal. Accustomed to their owners habits and movements, the animalsare intuitive to human needs. If they are a service animal, theyre able to warn their ownersof certain oncoming symptons, guide them when their owners feel unbalanced, and theyreable to provide comfort when they sense their owners feeling down. One of the bigger benets of having an animal companion is comfort and emotional support.Isolation is one of the negative aspects people living with multiple sclerosis experience. Theyarent always able to participate in regular activities, and that keeps them by themselves andto themselves. Animal companionswhich include service animals, emotional supportanimals and regular petsare able to sense their owners state of mind and remain close by.This type of interaction has a calming eect on a person and decreases loneliness. Even theact of petting their pet may considerably reduce stress. Another benefit to owning a pet is caring for one. The responsibility that comes withhaving a pet involves cleaning, feeding, playing, and many other obligationsyour animalcompanion depends on you for, making you feel needed and wanted. Taking dogs out forwalks provides exercise, which is also a great way to ease anxiety and reduce stress.If animals arent allowed to live with you, there are alternate ways to interact with them.Friends and family may be a good source if they have pets. Going to visit them regularly notonly oers people-interaction, but also pet-interaction, both of which are great stress-reducers.Volunteering at an animal shelter whenever you are physically able may be a good way togain an invaluable treat of being around animals. 2'