b'When is this quarantine going Can I sit in the front seat Can I help youto be over so you can nally with the big people? work from home? go back to work? Animal companions are indeed one of the best ways for you to minimize your stress,improve your mood, and have a dedicated friend for life. For people with chronic illness, suchas MS, the benefits offered by such companions are immeasurable. Their unconditionallove, constant support, and an uncanny ability to sense your state of mind is extraordinaryand should not be underrated. They will always remain loyal and loving, no matter what yourcircumstance is.As a fun activity, send us pictures with your animal companions. They may be featuredin the next issue. See the contest information below.Animal Companion ContestOcial RulesFor this contest, you need to:Send a picture of your pet companion along with a caption of what you think they may besaying and you will be entered into the prize rae.One submission will enter you into all applicable prize categories.Submissions are due by July 15, 2020First Place winner receives a $20 gift card,Second Place $15, Third Place $10 gift cards.Submissions can be emailed to supportgroups@msfocus.org or mailed to:Multiple Sclerosis Foundation Attn: Companion Animals6520 N. Andrews Ave. Fort Lauderdale, FL333093'