b'Support Group Myths There are myths out there regarding support groups. One is about how only a few peopleattend meetings. Another is that the meetings are pity parties, where the only thing peopledo is sit around and complain about their lives. The fact is, on the average, attendance is about ve to 12 people. Oftentimes there is aspeaker, either one of the group members or an outside party. Sometimes there are breakfasts,luncheons, dinners, or movies. They are fun, and the main reason to attend the meeting is tosupport each other. I am hoping that the mission statements of some of our groups shown here will encourageyou to check into a support group in your area. Or, if there isnt one, think about starting one.As I said before, it may be exactly what you need. Our monthly meetings provide encouragement, education, and fellowship throughpresentations, outside speakers, sharing personal experiences, and group discussions.River City MS Group, Wisconsin Rapids, Wis.We are dedicated to educating, motivating, and supporting those coping with MS, their families,and friends in an atmosphere of fun.Warner Robins MS Support Group, Warner Robbins, Ga.Our core mission is to provide assistance, education, and laughter through our journey withMS. We enjoy sharing common life experiences and extending support while having livelydiscussions on a wide range of topics about MS and life.Aurora Colorado MSSupport Group, Aurora, Colo.We are real people with sincere understanding, nding humor through the most embarrassingof declines. You never get ituntil you get it and by George; we are full of it! (LOL) Friendsand strangers, helping one another on a life changing journey.Were F**kin MS Warriors,Facebook Live Closed GroupOur mission is to educate and provide a strong support system for the younger generationof people with MS.New Generation of MS Support Group, Islip, N.Y.We welcome all with open arms to join our groupa time to laugh, learn, console, but mostof all, to meet new friends. We have wonderful guest speakers and great topics, along withpeople with MS who can share their MS journey. Our Lunch Club provides good food, anopportunity to meet wonderful people, and lots of fun! Facebook: MS Lunch Club / MS Lunch Club, North Las Vegas, Nev.4'