b'Keeping Connected It can be an extremely dicult time during this quarantine. Many of us are separated fromour loved ones and this time of uncertainty can feel like forever until we see them again.Keeping connected is most important for everyone to avoid feeling any additional stress oranxiety surrounding this pandemic. Thanks to technology, there are a number of dierentways and platforms that were able to keep connected.Google Hangouts, WhatsApp, FaceBook Messanger Video Chats - Free both locally andinternationally, good for families and friends.ZoomKeeps coworkers connected in a conference setting while still working from home. Itis also great for students to connect with their teachers and professors while homeschooling.YouTubeWatch other videos or make your own. This is a great app to catch the latest newsand ideas presented by people around the world. It is also a way to keep entertained withmusic and movies. Facebook, Insta+ram, TwitterKeep us connected with friends and family, without having tospeak to them every day, keeping up with their activities, sharing photos and ideas, as wellas possibly gaining access to new activities, and getting news updates. Phone/EmailA traditional way to keep contact with family, friends and coworkers, especiallyfor those who arent very familiar with other communication technologies. Im Visible In case you missed it, which many people did because of concerns about COVID 19, Marchwas National MS Education and Awareness Month. This years theme, Im Visible, highlightedthe need to bring awareness to MS. The goal of this years National MS Education and Awareness Month theme - Im Visible was to help you be seen, to be recognized for who you are and what you want, and toencourage you to visibly show your support for the MS cause. It was our hope that using thebooklet Im Visible as a practical guide will help you do just that. While unfortunately some of our educational events in various cities across the U.S. andPuerto Rico had to be postponed, March Awareness Kits are still being distributed nationwidefor anyone who requests them. You can request a kit by going to supportgroups@msfocus.org.,or by calling 888-673-6287. Since most of us have been working remotely, please understandit may take longer than usual to get to all your requests.The booklet Im Visible is also available as a pdf. Visit our website msfocus.org. Click GetHelp, then Awareness Campaigns. Go down on the page to View Previous years AwarenessKits. The very rst one will be 2020 Im Visible. You can also request the pdf by emailingsupportgroups@msfocus.org.6'