b"We are an optimistic multiple sclerosis self-help, support group. Our goal is for a balancebetween MS, our health, and our life. We oer an open forum for comments and questionswith opportunities to create a strong bond within the MS community. The Lookin GOODMSing Around family encourages friends and loved ones to join our MS journey. Togetherwe will use knowledge and understanding, with a sense of humor, to have a productive andsupportive experience.Looking Good MSing Around Group, Orange Park, Fla.Our group's motto is: Your Life, Your MS, Your Decisions. We encourage our members to makechoices that enable them to live positive and productive lives.African American Inspirational MS Support Group, Hampton, Va.Our goal is to help meet the needs faced by individuals with MS. We welcome anyone who istouched in any way by the disease. Our goal is to; Be a Friend - Share successes and struggles,providing emotional and spiritual support. Be an Educator - Empower each other thru ourmeetings and helping the community understand MS. be an Advocator - Provide a voiceneeded to accomplish positive government changes.But You LookSo Good MS Support Group, Arlington, TexasWe are an optimistic group in Southeastern Pennsylvania who believe that having fun, learning,and exercising should be included in ones MS journey. As caring people with MS, we focuson what we can do and bring MS awareness to our community.S'myelin in West Chester MS Support Group, West Chester, Pa.Our goal is to empower an already amazing group of women, focusing on all our variousstrengths and aptitudes. We provide an informative and confidential environment. Wesupport each other by sharing our experiences and advocating for personal growth anddevelopment through activities that embolden our spirits and strengthen our core.Beaverton Ladies MS Support Group, Beaverton, Ore.We meet to enjoy a light supper, the company of wonderful people, and be part of MS awareness.Friends and family are always welcome!Asheboro Randolph MS Support Group, Asheboro, N.C.We gather as a group of people living with MS who are winners! We involve family and friendsto keep our lives real, full and positive through sharing, nding alternatives to overcominghurdles weve met or may meet in the future. Most of all, we celebrate our success to livingfull productive lives with MS.Winslow Winners MS Support Group, Winslow,MaineOering a calm, safe space for MS patients to meet one another and share their strugglesand successes with multiple sclerosis. A short guided meditation will be provided if attendeeswish to participate. Discussions focused toward mindfulness and well-being techniques andhow these daily practices can reduce stress and symptoms.Mindfulness & Well-Being with MS Support Group, Venice, Calif.5"