b'Multiple Sclerosis FoundationEmpowerSource is a free newsletter. To subscribe, visit www.msfocus.org/publications,call 888-MSFOCUS (673-6287), or email supportgroups@msfocus.orgThe purpose of EmpowerSource is to promote collaboration between MS Focus, our OutreachVolunteers, affiliated support groups, and the MS community at large, in order to bridge gaps and toprovide practical advice for individuals and groups. Dear Friends, As we approach the fall and winter seasons, we have an opportunity to reect on all thethings summer brought to us. I hope that had you the opportunity to enjoy your family andfriends. This issue of the newsletter talks about getting involved in your community as theholiday season approaches, and we hope that you, along with your family and friends, willconsider doing some kind of activity to give back to your community. Giving back is veryrewarding and even small actions can have huge eects. Also in this issue, we discuss thelatest and greatest updates to our Transportation Program, and we share information abouthow you can participate in research and become part of the community that helps nd betterways to treat MS, and how to be part of nding a cure. I hope you enjoy the information! Sincerely,Kathryn Bradbury,Support Groups and Outreach ManagerKathryns Leadership TipAs fall and winter approach, you will need to consider the temperatures, weather, andholidays when planning your outings. This is a great time to get together with your family,friends, and support group members. We have articles and information about winter weather,cold sensitivity, and how to cope with the winter blues that you can share with your groupmembers. Visit msfocusmagazine.org to nd and locate these articles and much more infor-mation.MS Focus does not advocate or endorse any specific treatments, healing modalities, or practitioners. The materialpresented in this publication is for informational purposes only. For specific advice, consult your healthcare provider.'