b'Rides to Medical Appointments For years, MS Focus has operated a transportation program that was designed so that MSpatients could maintain their independence. The program has always assisted with car repairsand paratransit to important appointments. However, paratransit services are often local, andmany are unable to cross county lines, limiting the eectiveness of the program.In late 2018, the University of Miami reached out us to askfor assistance in getting patients to their infusion appointments.Through a collaboration with Lyft, and with the generous supportof Genentech, we launched a pilot program in Florida where MS Focus couldbook Lyft rides for patients to-and-from their doctor appointments. The programwas such a massive success that we quickly expanded it nationwide. From May to June of this year, we have seen a 195 percent increase in Transportation Programapplications, nearly all of them are requests for Lyft rides. The summer has led to anothernearly 100 percent increase in applications. MS Focus has always prided itself on listeningto the MS community and adjusting our services to reect their true needs. Because of that dedication to the needs of MS patients, we have decided to make furtheradjustments to our Transportation Program much sooner than expected. The majority of Lyftdrivers are only able to transport people who can self-transfer in and out ofcars and dont have larger assistive devices. For these reasons we are expandingthe program once again to now include Uber, which has a larger eet of wheel-chair accessible vehicles. The MS Focus Transportation Program is available wherever Lyft and Uber are available.The program still requires an application. For more details, or to apply, call MS Focus at888-673-6287 or visit msfocus.org/Get-Help.Looking to join a support group this year? Interested in starting one?Do you have a group youd like to aliate with MS Focus?Anyone with MS can start a supportgroupandbecomealeader.Healthcareprofessionals or care partners of someonewith MS can also start or aliate a supportgroup with us.WebelievethateverypersonwithMS should be able to nd an understandingand encouraging community of peers rightin his or her backyard.Contact us at 888-673-6287 or email supportgroups@msfocus.orgKathryn and Ashton are here to help you and your group!3'