b'iConquer MS iConquerMS is a patient-centered research organization. This gives power to people livingwith MS to contribute to the information, data and statistics that researchers have at theirdisposal. People living with MS can participate in research. iConquerMS research participationinvolves completing surveys about your life with MS. When you take time to complete thesurvey questions you are contributing to a large database of information that researchers areable to access in order to complete the invaluable studies they are conducting to look for betterways to treat and, ultimately, cure MS. This is a great way to give back to the MS community at large. This is something you cando no matter your ability and what you may have going on in your life. No matter what youmay be experiencing with your MS, you can participate in these surveys in the comfort ofyour own home. One of the best parts about iConquerMS is how flexible it is for members. There are avariety of surveys available to members, which means you get to choos the topics that aremeaningful and applicable to you. You even have the ability to suggest research topics. Byjoining iConquerMS you become part of the larger picture in research and help shape theoutcomes of studies taking place. There is even an opportunity that you may be selected toparticipate in specic research projects and outcomes. Want to joiniConquerMS?IfyouareinterestedinjoiningiConquerMS,youcanrequestanocial welcome kit from MS Focus.What comes in the kit?Youll nd a form with messagesfrom members, plus an informativecard, and a few extra goodies!Request your kit today!Contact MS Focus at888-673-6287orsupportgroups@msfocus.org4'