b'Healthy SnacksFor You And Your GroupWeve all been there. It has been a busy day and youre at a support group meeting inthe evening. You want to participate, but you struggle to pay attention or lack the energy toreally share and contribute. If only you had something to eatIn order to combat lower energy levels and boost everyones mood before meetings getgoing, consider oering a healthy snack option. This will give everyone a few moments tochit-chat while they grab some food, and it provides a heathy way to get some much-neededenergy owing before things start. Here are just a few examples of aordable, healthy snacksyou can provide for group meetings. And dont forget, MS Focus can help cover the cost.Fruit Platter - Grapes, strawberries, orange or apple slices, and watermelon chunks all lookgreat and taste even better. No matter how you arrange it, these are sure to be a hit.Vegetables - Celery sticks, baby carrots, and cherry tomatoes are all healthy nger foods.Add in a low-fat dip for some extra zing.Salad - It doesnt have to be boring. Add fruit, extra veggies, some shredded cheese, orevent chunks of a hard-boiled egg. Dont forget to provide a light dressing.Mix it up - Hummus and yogurt go well with almost anything, including any fruit or veggieoptions you already have. Or try getting mixed nuts, some mixed berries, and a little darkchocolate so group members can make their own trail mix.Speakin. of healthy snacksFood to Fight MS is a booklet designed to answer questionseveryone wants to know about MS and diet. We looked at thedifferences and similarities in four diets designed for, andrecommended to, people with MS. We spell everything out foryou here and oer some advice on nding a diet that works foryou. A healthy body is the best rst-line defense against MS,so order yours today!To get a free copy of this booklet, visit us online at: msfocus.org/Get-Educated/Educational-materialsor call us at: 888-673-62876'