b'Caption ContestA picture is worth a thousand wordsbut in this case, you words could be worth $15Get clever, silly, or smart and caption one or both of the photos below for your chance to win.Winners will be selected by the MS Focus Support Groups staff, who are judging off ofcreativity, so make your words memorable. Captions should be ten words or less. Please only submit one caption per photo.And, most importantly, have fun!Picture #1 Caption: Picture #2 Caption:Ocial RulesOne or both pictures can be captioned. You do not have to caption both to qualify for prize.Submissions are due by Oct. 1, 2019Three (3) winning submissions will be selected to each receive a $15 gift card.Submissions should be emailed to supportgroups@msfocus.orgor can be mailed to:Multiple Sclerosis Foundation Attn: Caption Contest6520 N. Andrews Ave. Fort Lauderdale, FL333097'