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ResourcesResources Staying ActiveStaying Active NCHPAD Directories nchpad.orgDirectories The National Center on Health Physical Activity and Disability provides directories by state to help you locate accessible programs equipment and parks as well as organizations that may assist you. NCHPAD also provides a variety of helpful articles and videos. Disabled Sports USA Through a network of more than 100 community-based chapters in 37 states Disabled Sports USA provides access to more than 40 different sports including alpine and Nordic skiing snowboarding biathlon kayaking water skiing sailing scuba surfing rafting outrigger canoeing fishing hiking golf athletics archery cycling runningwheeling rock climbing equestrian and others for adults and children with disabilities. Accessibility and the ADAAccessibility and the ADA Americans with Disabilities Act Learn about your rights under the ADA accessibility standards and enforcement. Use the site search to locate the Guide to Disability Rights Laws which gives a comprehensive view of federal laws governing access to fair housing air travel education voting locations and more. United States Access Board The U.S. Access Board develops and maintains design criteria for buildings sidewalks and streets transit vehicles telecommunications equipment medical diagnostic equipment and information technology.The board is also responsible for enforcement of these standards for federally funded buildings. MSF ServicesMSF Services The MSF can help keep you moving In addition to our Assistive Technology Program see page 8 these programs can help. Health and Wellness Program The Health and Wellness Program offers the opportunity to participate in various exercise fitness and alternative therapy programs in a structured setting led by qualified instructors. Techniques such as yogachair yoga Pilates therapeutic horseback riding and aquatics have been offered free of charge to those with MS across the country. Transportation Assistance Program This program provides assistance with reasonable paratransit fees for individuals who qualify. It may also assist with minor auto repairs. FOR MORE INFORMATION ON THESE AND OTHER PROGRAMS SEE WWW.MSFOCUS.ORG 21