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22 AdvocacyAdvocacy Keeping proposed disability rights laws moving through our legislative bodies helps keep people with MS-related disability moving through life. Stay on top of the issues with these advocacy resources. National Disability Rights Network The National Disability Rights Network is an organization whose members work to improve the lives of people with disabilities by guarding against abuse advocating for basic rights and ensuring accountability in health care education employment housing transportation and within the juvenile and criminal justice systems. The Legislative Action Center under the Advocacy heading will help you learn about the issues before Congress. American Association of People with Disabilities The American Association of People with Disabilities is the nations largest disability rights organization. Sign up for the Disability Download email newsletter to keep up with the latest disability news. American Civil Liberties Union aclu.orgissuesdisability-rights The ACLU works in the courts legislatures and communities to defend and preserve the individual rights and liberties guaranteed to all by the Constitution and laws of the United States. Visit the Disability Rights section to learn about current cases issues and actions. In ConclusionIn Conclusion The symptoms of MS emerge in ways unique to every individual. No two people diagnosed with MS experience identical effects on their bodies and their lives. So you personally may not require each and every resource outlined in this booklet. But like any good toolkit it provides you with the most commonly required tools. Use them to meet challenges you face and to stay in control of your life. Doing so will require you to become an advocate for yourself and perhaps others as well. Remember anyone can be an advocate it only requires a willingness to speak up and determination to persist until you achieve results.The MSF is here to help you and much help can be found from other members of the MS community who share your concerns and relate to the challenges you face. Regardless of where youre starting from no matter how many hurdles you have to overcome with help and persistence you can move Beyond MS.