b'Caption Contest Winners Thank you to everyone who participated in the Caption Contest! We hope you had asmuch fun coming up with your entries as we had reading them. As always, we got dozens ofwonderful entries, and selecting the winners was a real challenge. Thank you to everyonewho participated and congrats to our third-place winner, Dave Thomas. Picture #1 Winner: Sandra Novak Picture #2 Winner: Mitzi WilcoxHere are my su22estions The trifectaearly mornin2 appointment,to keep your humans from borin2 you. sleep deprivation, behind on laundry.By popular demand, we have created a closed Facebook =roup,stillmoderatedbyMSFocus,whereyoucandiscussyoursymptoms,feelin=s,andanythin=elserelatedtoMS,inacompletely private, non-jud=emental enviroment.For more information,visit MS Focus on Facebook2'