b'When I started working at MS Focus three years ago, I was very excited to join a team of peothrough our many diverse programs and services, one of which is our Support Groups Program. I support group leaders (of our Independent Support Group Network) are doing on a regular basis tthem these past three years and have witnessed the love and dedication they all have for their grseveral support group meetings this year. What I found at each group was a very tight knit group oIn May, I attended the support group meeting of SequimMS Support Group in Sequim, Wash., along with KaseyMinnis, director of communications. Our journey to thisgroup was nothing short of beautiful. In order to get to Se-quim, you have to take the ferry from Seattle across PugetSound and then drive through the scenic Pacic Northwesthighways leading to this quaint small town. Kasey and IgaveanoverviewofallofourprogramsandservicesavailabletothoselivingwithMSandspenttwohoursdiscussing issues that arise in their daily lives and how theycope and help each other through the support group. Sequim 2roup meetin2The Sequim MS Support Group meets on the last Tuesday of each month at 2 p.m. at the Olympic Medical Ima=in=Center - Sequim. For more info, contact Susan at 206-817-5636 or via email at susandpaul@outlook.com.Each year, many groups across the counEarlier this year, I had the privilege to attenThis northern coastal town is home to Team Each year, they raise funds in support of MS date they come together for a celebratory wone of their local neighborhood communitcome out in support of their eorts to assisaround the neighborhood to celebrate the the nal walker they enjoy a potluck dinner aable to present the group leaders and contrWe are very thankful for the hard work theKathryn and Team Zoom-Zooms startin\x14 the walk to be part of this experience!The MS Shore Support Group meets on the rst Wednesday of each month at 5 p.m. For more info, contact Jamie at 302-684-4513 or via email at jamiecolvett@4'